Lars Clausen wrote:
> I guess using OLE to convert files is the only viable option. Does anyone
> here know OLE well enough to attempt such?
The OLE bit wouldn't be that hard, actually, with Perl and decent documentation
of Visio's object model. What might not be so simple is mapping the object
models, if you see what I mean. That would be subject to a lot of judgement.
Unless you're going to invent a new .shape for every visio object, which is
ambitious in a different way, no?
I'm skeptical, though, of the strategy: Why should Dia want to export to Visio,
only to see free data trapped in a closed format? Wouldn't it be more worthwhile
to go the other way, to use Ole to free the data from Visio and write a Dia file?
Skeptical, but not beyond convincing. That's why I asked.