Le Fri, Feb 07, 2003, à 08:51:28PM +0800, Zhang Linbo (?????????) a écrit:
> I have just noticed another interesting thing that the hot keys
> work well in all dialogue boxes of Dia except in the text fields
> of a diagram, so I can use the hot keys to switch the input
> context by first clicking, say, on the magnification prompt
> (the box at the bottom-left of the window in which the
> magnification factor is shown).
So what's missing, basically, is that the code we have in lib/text.c, which
handles text entry, does not handle it as good as the code in gtk's
GtkEntry-derived widgets. This is a good thing to know. Would you mind
recording that at http://bugzilla.gnome.org so we don't forget it? (I'm
afraid it would be a bit late for 0.91, but having a bug item and a
workaround documented there is a very good thing to have).
> I have also noticed a possible bug in the calculations when
> exporting an EPS file. Please see attached diagram which
> generates floating point exceptions when exporting to the
> EPS format ('nan' numbers in the EPS file).
Huh. NaN in EPS is always nasty. Likewise, please report it as well.
Can you teach me (and generally, us ideogram-impaired people), what does one
have to type using miniChinput (or other popular IMs used in China) to
produce a simple and easily recognisable set of Chinese characters
(at the risk of sounding a bit dense, keystroke by keystroke) ? This would
be very valuable!
-- Cyrille