At 14:19 15.05.02 -0400, Maiorana, Jason wrote:
>I downloaded the rc1 windows version (im at work, and no have visio
>Ive noticed that dia is not accepting unicode input from the GUI. (this
>may be
>a limitation in the version of gtk as built with that version?)
Uhmm. How do you expect 'unicode input' to work ? Using those
funny Umlauts printed at least at german keyboards does work
finally and Alt-Numeric Keyboard Keys does work as well ...
>that got me wondering what the state of utf-8 support is within dia at
>the moment. I also noticed that dia's still doing that #string# thing with
>the hash marks, and my relatively uninformed post was the only
>response i saw to a question about that earlier.
I fail to see the problem with using hashes or anything like that
as 'internal' string markers. But there will be a compatibility
problem removing them.
At 15:18 13.05.02 -0400, Maiorana, Jason wrote:
>>I was wondering why all strings are enclosed with '#' in my dia files
>(UML objects). Thanks in
>I as well am annoyed by that, to my thinking the default XML
>encoding is UTF-8, which is more than enough for internationalization,
>which I believe had something to do with it...
The default XML encoding from Dia is utf-8 _now_. There where
version of Dia and libxml which did simply use the system locale
without giving any hint about which it was. And most of the
long time user probably would be rather annoyed if Dia could
not read its old files anymore ...
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert