At 13:00 05.07.02 -0700, Mike Garnsey wrote:
>I was able to produce a working win32 Dia 0.90 build
>(major personal victory!!!), but am getting stubborn
>link errors (such as: LIBC.lib ___xc_z already
>defined in MSVCRT.lib) when I try to build ./lib
>folder from dia-CVS-20020701.
This is mixing different C-runtimes. LIBC being the static one,
MSVCRT corresponds to the DLL with the same name. The later
is the right one for Gtk+ based applications on win32.
Beside building all libs with the right compiler switch (-MD) you
can avoid the link problem with: /nodefaultlib:libc.lib as told
you by the linker, e.g.:
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib "MSVCRT" conflicts with use of other
libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
>Anyone out there been able to do a win32 build from
>CVS? If so, can you share the list of support packages
>you used?
Definitely (last time was 2002-06-24 ;-)
>Here's what I'm trying to build with:
>glib 2.0.3
>gtk+p 1.3.0-20020313
If you are really trying a cvs build of Dia this is the wrong
version. Dia cvs is using Gtk2. But you would have got problems
at compile time. For the plain Dia-0.90 the version should be ok.
My Dia makefiles all use either GTK2_CFLAGS or GTK_CFLAGS to
get the right version from glib/build/win32/make.msc.
BTW: have you noticed the information provided in glib/readme.win32
and dia/readme.win32 ?
>libart 2.3.3
I'm using almost recent cvs 2.3.7 but this version should be fine, too.
>freetype 2.0.5
What do you need this for ? My Dia build never linked to freetype,
don't define HAVE_FREETYPE.
>gimp 1.2.3
You don't link Dia to Gimp, do you ?
>libxml2 2.4.22
2.4.2. using a newer version is probably ok. Last time I looked
the vanilla win32 binaries don't link with zlib and iconv which will
cause some restrictions in Dia's usage: no compressed files, no
charset conversions ...
>libiconv 1.7
>intl 0.10.40
>dirent no version, date: 2001/9/29
>gtk+ 2.0.3
I'm using recent cvs 2.1.x but using 2.0.3 as provided by tml
should be fine.
>atk 1.0.1
>pango 1.0.2
>zlib 1.1.4
>libpng 1.2.3
>libjpeg 6b
>libtiff 3.4-1
All fine.
Just noticed that Dia's don't always include the
additional files required to do the win32 build (*.msc, *.def)
I'm about to fix this in cvs. The required files are available
from cvs though.
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert