I was able to produce a working win32 Dia 0.90 build
(major personal victory!!!), but am getting stubborn
link errors (such as: LIBC.lib ___xc_z already
defined in MSVCRT.lib) when I try to build ./lib
folder from dia-CVS-20020701.
Anyone out there been able to do a win32 build from
CVS? If so, can you share the list of support packages
you used?
Here's what I'm trying to build with:
glib 2.0.3
gtk+p 1.3.0-20020313
libart 2.3.3
freetype 2.0.5
gimp 1.2.3
libxml2 2.4.22
libiconv 1.7
intl 0.10.40
dirent no version, date: 2001/9/29
gtk+ 2.0.3
atk 1.0.1
pango 1.0.2
zlib 1.1.4
libpng 1.2.3
libjpeg 6b
libtiff 3.4-1
thx! Mike.
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