To enhance the standard UML components a class should have a checkbox
"Interface" to produce a dashed outline. It is not easy to create a
class-like shape containing methods and attributes, stereotypes and that.
For sequence diagrams a message should be a zig zag line, so it's possible to
draw messages to the object itself (producing a new focus on the old one,
these little boxes [on boxes]+ on life lines). At least it is possible to
work around this by using a real zig zag line with an triangle arrow and
reducing the arrow's width.
It's also not possible to create a new focus on an existing lifeline or
connect a box to it (grouping, ok, but that's not it, not editable anymore).
It's also possible to work around with another life line connected to the
same class, putting it into background and so on...
At least switch of any text related to UML-Associations until it works
properly. Alignment is absolutely dirty and, as said before, no font
properties can be changed.
If these little things would be done by releasing 1.0 or 0.94 or whatever,
including a good documentation, 80 software developers would use this tool at
work. I love it, it's so independent and absolutely slim designed, 3 already
infected...(discoverd it by updating my SuSE Linux to 9.1)
I could deliver some better PDF containing bookmarks, a cross-linked TOC and
german translation - for free [not really, just fix these little things
mentioned before :-) ]