On Thu, 16 Jan 2003, Hans Breuer wrote:
> At 06:48 16.01.03 -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
>>On 15 Jan 2003, Lars Clausen wrote:
> [...]
>>> 2) If I do changes values that way, will it be undoable? I don't see a
>>> lot of undo-related stuff in the python plugin code, does that need
>>> to be rewritten? I'd like to avoid the situation in Gimp where
>>> plugins can totally screw up undo.
>>Well, I found the answer to this one: Not only isn't it undoable, but
>>connections aren't moved with it and the display isn't updated.
> I fail to see the relation between undoing and display update.
These are all things that need to be done around a move.
>>Unfortunately, the display update part is all in app, which we don't want
>>to link to from plug-ins.
> What about calling:
> dia.active_display().add_update_all()
> Though probably some bounding box object recalculation
> would be needed before, not sure how to do it ...
That's one way to do it, though that puts it in the hands of the script
> But it even is possible on win32 to link the Python plug-in
> against lib and app. Obviously this does mean there will be
> no stand alone python plug-in to use the same bindings.
Yeah, I noticed later there was stuff from app in use there.
>>If there's also a perl plugin coming up, we'll
>>need to encapsulate these things differently, so they behave the same
>>between main program and plugins.
> There is nothing which can be done in Perl which can not be done
> in Python but readable. Not to start language wars but do we
> really need another language binding if we lack resources to
> maintain one?
No, what I meant was that instead of having both Dia itself and every
single language plugin implement these things (undo, connection moves,
display update), we should have a function that's reasonable for them to
call. In this case, a function that handles all that is necessary for an
object to move to a new place, including undo, connections etc.
Lars Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause)| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it." | Where are we going, and
--Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire | what's with the handbasket?