At 21:23 15.01.03 -0600, Lars Clausen wrote:
>As can be seen from my TWiki comments, I have gotten the Python plugin to
>work, and it's rather cute, in fact. Now I've two fairly general questions
>about it that I hope somebody here can answer (Hans? James?):
>1) How do I set a value in a property? I tried with just
> props[s].value = 0.2
Try:[s] = 0.2
for the implementation.
> where s is a property key, but it gives me a type error. Of course,
> DiaProperty.value is an object, but how do I make an object for a real?
Looking deeper into the code PyDiaProperty_ApplyToObject there
may be some C programming needed to get the above to work :)
All my Dia Python scripts did work without applying other
things than strings.
>2) If I do changes values that way, will it be undoable? I don't see a
> lot of undo-related stuff in the python plugin code, does that need to
> be rewritten? I'd like to avoid the situation in Gimp where plugins
> can totally screw up undo.
To me it appears rather useless to let every single line of a script
being undoable: At least as a user I'd expect one operation (executing
a menu function, no matter if it's a plug-in or not) to be
undoable in one step.
Forcing the creation of new object and changeing their values to
be undoable would probably decrease PyDia performance about 50% ...
But in fact I almost know nothing about Dias undo implementation.
Are 'undo groups' possible with the current code ?
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert