>>>>> On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 03:30:35 +0100,
>>>>> "CC" == Cyrille Chepelov <cyrille@chepelov.org> wrote:
CC> Assuming the new 2.0 releases are really of release quality, we still miss
CC> the non-beta GNOME libs. I'd say, let's see how others shake these for one,
CC> perhaps two months. In the mean time, let's fix what we currently have, so
CC> that we do a last gtk 1.4 release and then jump (this being said under the
CC> assumption that the G2 stuff is not rotten and is going to be released in a
CC> stable state and in a timely manner).
What do you mean gtk 1.4 release?
Akira TAGOH : tagoh@gnome.gr.jp / Japan GNOME Users Group
at@gclab.org : tagoh@gnome-db.org / GNOME-DB Project
: tagoh@redhat.com / Red Hat, Inc.
: tagoh@debian.org / Debian Project