Le Mon, Jul 01, 2002, ā 11:15:13PM +0200, Claudia Nölker a écrit:
> Attached is the Assorted.sheet with German translations! Please integrate
> them when you generate a new version.
sheets are not translated directly anymore; they are translated through the
.po (gettext) translation system. To avoid loosing your efforts, I suggest
you update the file "de.po" with the Assorted sheet translations (you should
take the de.po file from the most recent snapshot; ideally, you'd provide a
patch to this file).
I think you should contact Jörgen Scheibengruber <mfcn@gmx.de>, who last
translated for dia, or the GNOME German translation team
<gnome-de@gnome.org>, for help and instructions on updating .po files.
-- Cyrille