Re: WIN32 compilation, UML Sequence Diagrams and Inheritance arrows and the spirit of GNU software.
From: Tim Ellis <Tim Ellis gamet com>
To: dia-list gnome org
Cc: horkana tcd ie
Subject: Re: WIN32 compilation, UML Sequence Diagrams and Inheritance arrows and the spirit of GNU software.
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 14:54:47 -0400
> > >On that note, the win32 is a popular platform.
> > >I cannot imagine that you would just drop it.
> >
> > I can (and have just done).
I am very intrigued and a bit scared.
What's happening here?
I'm a Linux bigot/zealot. I'm using Dia to do database ERDs. But my fellow
coworkers are still stuck in the Win32 world, and I've been able to
placate their fears about Dia so far by dismissing all concerns with a
casual: "Dia has a Win32 port."
Tim Ellis
Senior Database Architect
Gamet, Inc.