Subject: Re: Is there a more stable version than 0.88.1?
Date: 29 Apr 2002 10:33:07 -0500
On 29 Apr 2002, Dominic Gamble wrote:
> I downloaded the cvs version, and got it to compile after fixing a
> couple of things.
> I found that classes in UML shapes put heaps and heaps of space at the
> end of member functions. I think this has something to do with the fact
> that you can now set fonts per class.
> Setting fonts per class probably isn't the best idea. If you could set
> fonts which applied to all classes, then that would be great, but fonts
> per class is just annoying. No one will want to go and set fonts
> manually for each class.
I'm sure somebody will want to set different fonts or styles for
particularly important classes. The Class object is somewhat broken (it's
a very complex object, and nobody really likes fiddling with it), it should
allow defaults and setting all objects in a group.
> When drawing the class, it should get the font metrics and actally work
> out how much space it really needs rather than making the class box so
> huge!! There is a ridiculous amount of empty spaces for long member
> functions (pages!)
The GTK space calculations are difficult to get right. The FreeType
spacing is better, but getting the fonts right can be problematic.
> Also class member functions default to virtual - bad choice. When
> loading my classes from 0.88.1, they come up as virtual, even though
> they weren't in 0.88.1.
Ugh. I bet some Java programmer did that:) That kind of change should not
happen without a version update on the save file and conversion. Bad
Cyrille! No donut!
Lars Clausen (| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it." | Where are we going, and
--Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire | what's with the handbasket?