> Mmmm.. Do you still have the plug-ins of version 0.85 installed on your
> machine ? If it's the case, can you "strace -o /tmp/log dia" and then
> "grep open /tmp/log" to check that it's not trying to open the older plug-ins ?
No I did delete them before.
> What do you mean, by "I did that, but it still won't give any information at
> all" ? Does that mean that dia_plugin_load() works, and actually returns
> (after having called g_module_open(), g_module_symbol(), having executed
> (*info->init_func)(info) and returned after having set info->is_loaded to
> TRUE ?
That's where exactly failes, It somehow manages to open :
(that filename is from gchar *filename = g_strconcat(directory, G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S,
dirp->d_name, NULL); )
But after printing the last line above it won't go any futher than line :
info->module = g_module_open(info->real_filename, G_MODULE_BIND_LAZY);
I think It can find the plugins.
> If it's the case, then we have a problem elsewhere.
> Did you compile with GNOME enabled (not advocating either build, just that
> GNOME includes possible waits for external components).
> Can you step each line of app/app_procs.c/app_init(), and check which line
> in that routine (after the call to app_splash_init("") of course) is in
> fault ?
The fault is in "dia_register_plugins();", I am sure.