Robin Lee Powell (
Sat, 06 Feb 1999 16:15:42 -0500
In message <>, Ian Grigg writes:
>Robin Lee Powell said:
>The digital currency, DigiGold, is done using the Ricardo system
>from Systemics. This design is fairly classical, as value systems
>go, with clients, a protocol and servers. Client is called
>WebFunds and is all-Java. Servers are half Java, half Perl.
ObCode: That pretty much means I won't use it. I use lynx; I have no
intention of changing this. Other then that, as I said, it looks like a
nice idea, but not allowing a text-only client of some kind is going to
take some of the more hard-ass geeks such as myself out of the market,
at least until the thing gets _huge_ acceptance, assuming it does.
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