Ray Arachelian (sunder@brainlink.com)
Thu, 16 Jul 1998 17:33:46 -0400
You know, there are C interpreters out there... I recall a book called
"The Art of C" or its companion having a C interpreter.
> I, personally, would love to see ANY C code execute on ANYTHING
> without being compiled.
--=====================================Kaos=Keraunos=Kybernetos============== .+.^.+.| Ray Arachelian |Prying open my 3rd eye. So good to see |./|\. ..\|/..|sunder@sundernet.com|you once again. I thought you were |/\|/\ <--*-->| ------------------ |hiding, and you thought that I had run |\/|\/ ../|\..| "A toast to Odin, |away chasing the tail of dogma. I opened|.\|/. .+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|my eye and there we were.... |..... ======================= http://www.sundernet.com ==========================
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