To: discussions about usage and development of dia <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Properties dialog without c programming
Date: Tue, 15 Feb 2005 19:36:55 +0000
Lars Clausen wrote:
Denny Beyer sagde:
Hey !
What kinds of fields are we talking here? You have tried exporting as
.shape and using that to create a new object, yes?
I did both. But I couldn't find any possibility to have a
properties-dialog containing my own data in it. That's why I went over
to the c - stuff! Quite similar to that what Daniel is doing, I need to
at to an Objekt a description, a ID number and other properties, which
describes the component technically more detailed.
Can i do that with in dia created shapes as well? How is that working,
because this would save a lot of time by not hard coding all shapes in
c, but just drawing them. Is python doing that as well?
fn:Denny Beyer
org:University of Strathclyde ;Energy Systems Research Unit
adr:;;75 Montrose Street;Glasgow;;G1 1XJ;Scotland
email;internet:denny esru strath ac uk
tel;work:+44 141 548 2599