To: chris green isbd co uk, discussions about usage and development of dia <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: WIndows version compared with Linux
Date: Wed, 06 Oct 2004 22:42:06 +0200
Chris Green schrieb:
If I could get better fonts the Linux version works better for me, how
can I add fonts to the Linux version? In particular can I get
something like Letter Gothic in Linux?
On SuSE Linux I just import them automatically into X-Server (via
Control Center or YaST). Maybe read some documentation of your
distribution?! If you're running a windows license you're allowed to use
even TTF's on Linux, via symbolic links (and no copying) you even don't
break any licensing rules. Otherwise look ""
(german) for free fonts or treat google the right way. (Some
distributions include a lot of free fonts.)
After importing, installing, whatever, dia can use the available fonts.
[funky item in drop down list of property menu provides more than only
sans, serif and monospaced :-), makes a cute font choosing dialog. ]
Was this the answer to the last part of your question?
I think it's not enough to just link windows' font-directory or it's
content into a linux directory. Some conversion must be done, I'm not an
expert but there is a funny progress bar when importing fonts, lot of
status messages, that sort of thing. (Everything on SuSE Linux)