Re: Modifying properties of several objects at the same time
From: Daniele Pighin <daniele dcs it>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Modifying properties of several objects at the same time
Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 09:18:09 +0100
Alle 14:41, domenica 26 ottobre 2003, Alan G Isaac ha scritto:
> To change the properties of multiple objects in
> a diagram, I like to be able to associate a style
> with them. The style defintion should be local
> to the diagram. Each object can then be associated
> with a list of styles, which should cascade like
> CSS style sheets do. In the long run, I think any
> other approach proves awkward.
I must say that Alan proposal is very very interesting.
It needs a styles-widget that IMHO should allow to:
- associate a unique-label to any style;
- create a new stile;
- associate a style to;
- selected objects (when possible);
- all selected objects of a given type;
- all objects of a given type;
- create a new style as a copy of an existing one;
- create a new style with default values, user defined application wide.
I would also extend the idea of styles to have:
- styles local to a diagram;
- system-wide styles (that can be both application presets and
defined by the ststem administrator, who can write in /usr/share/dia or
wherever system shares are;
- user-defined styles, that would be saved in the user ~/.dia directory
and are defined by the user.
The styles might be grouped by their type (diagram, system, user), and a user
should be able to drag'n drop, say, a style from the diagram group to the
user group to have it saved among his user-defined styles.
That would be really nice :)