On Tue, 18 Feb 2003, Dolores Alia de Saravia wrote:
> I'am trying to compile dia 0.91 (I began 5 days ago because of
> vacations). I 'am having problems with the needed packages: things
> like "couldnt find glib.h" but I know glib.h exists.
If this happens under Dia compilation (not in the configure script), then
your Gtk installation is probably messed up. Can you give more details?
> But right now, I would like to understand better the differences
> between some "words" appearing in dia.spec and INSTALL files
> Requires
This lists the packages necessary to run the compiled code. Things like
libgtk2 etc.
> BuildRequires
This lists the packages necessary to compile the code. On top of the
development versions of the above, it also includes some compilation tools
like automake, autoconf and libtool.
> Compiling from CVS
This refers to downloading the source from CVS and compile it outside of
the package management system. This will give you the very newest code,
but you won't get the advantages of a packaging system taking care of some
details for you.
Lars Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause)| HĂ„rdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it." | Where are we going, and
--Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire | what's with the handbasket?