Lars Clausen wrote:
> On Sat, 22 Mar 2003, Russell Shaw wrote:
>>I'm trying to see how dia works using gdb/ddd to learn something
>>about graphics programming...
> Note that since the plug-ins (a goodly chunk of the code) is dynamically
> linked, you can't set breakpoints for those parts before they're loaded.
> There's a dummy function call (which is no longer optimized away) called
> debug_break() that will let you break after all plug-ins are loaded.
In menus.c (dia 0.91), i looked for the creation of the "create line" toolbox
button. I found a few references to "lines" in
static GtkItemFactoryEntry display_menu_items[]
static GnomeUIInfo toolsmenu[]
I can't find the toolbox button definition, or its callback. What file is
it in?