Re: Compiling dia for win32 using MSVC6 (on Win2k)
From: Michael Wybrow <mjwybrow cs mu OZ AU>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Compiling dia for win32 using MSVC6 (on Win2k)
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 17:44:13 +1000 (EST)
On Mon, 31 Mar 2003, Steffen Macke wrote:
> Now, after copying the shapes and sheets to the build folder, do you
> still get error messages?
Nope, they're gone.
> Could you check whether you are able to save the preferences?
Yes, it correctly saves and retrieves preference information.
> How about the PNG export? Please try both the libart and pixbuf
> export filters. If some of the
Yep, they both work. But the libart one doesn't do text (This is just a
limitation of libart, right?)
> problems are resolved, I would be very happy to package your binaries
> into a 0.91-2 installer.
Ok. Also, this may be a stupid question, but why is are the CVS sources
marked ``Dia v0.91-pre2'', yet the binary in your installer is
``Dia v0.91'', or did you just bump the number for the release?
> I just created libint.dll from libint-1.dll by copying one over the
> other (or the other way round).
It is strange that you say this because in the binary distribution those
files have two different filesizes (which was the reason I didn't just
think I would be able to copy one over the other.)