Re: Problem with user-created shapes with <svg:text>
From: Scott Frazer <frazer nc rr com>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: Problem with user-created shapes with <svg:text>
Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 11:40:38 -0400
This was driving me nuts, so I dug through the code some more and was able to
come up with a temporary solution.
In "objects/custom/custom_object.c" I reused a portion of code from the
"custom_create" function in the "custom_load" function. Here's the diff:
< GList *tmp;
< }
< }
< for (tmp = custom->info->display_list; tmp != NULL; tmp = tmp->next) {
< GraphicElement *el = tmp->data;
< if (el->type == GE_TEXT) {
< if (!el->text.s.font_height) el->text.s.font_height = FONT_HEIGHT_DEFAULT;
< if (!el->text.s.font) el->text.s.font = font_getfont(_(FONT_DEFAULT));
< if (el->text.s.alignment == -1) el->text.s.alignment = TEXT_ALIGNMENT_DEFAULT;
< if (!el->text.object ) {
< el->text.object = new_text(el->text.string, el->text.s.font, el->text.s.font_height,
< &el->text.anchor, &color_black, el->text.s.alignment);
< text_calc_boundingbox(el->text.object, &el->text.text_bounds);
< }
I call this a temporary solution because Dia still seg faults when you close
the diagram, but you can open/save it just fine now. I'm just trying to help
point one of the real maintainers towards the right area.