Hello all,
I'm uploading now to http://www.crans.org/~chepelov/dia/ the source
tarball of dia 0.90.RC2. It doesn't fix all the EPS related buglets (which I
hope we get fixed by 0.91); however, it includes many XML-level fixes, and
i18n of the new S&O feature (actual translations may lag a little behind...)
muscat% md5sum dia-0.90.RC2.tar.gz
758462ad89ea2e6963d4b3fe1ac644a9 dia-0.90.RC2.tar.gz
I haven't suceeded in reaching Hans yesterday or today, so I hope he's
able to build Win32 binaries shortly.
(by the way, has *anyone* else succeeded in building dia from source on
Win32 ?)
If this release is fine, I hope 0.90 is nearly identical to this tarball
(save perhaps for a couple extra translations), and it should be out in the
middle of next week.
Committers: it would be nice if there were no commits except fixes against
release-critical bugs (crashes or "does not build from source because BLAH
is not #defined or "smurf.h" hasn't been #included in bletch.c on the FooBar
2.7 platform), at least until next Wednesday evening-ish.
Translators: please read the attached files; all translations are now
handled through .po files, the usual way. If you aren't a translator but
know one, you may want to give an indirect help to your native language's
status.... Please commit translations without restrictions.
(I'm not sure I have time to handle French. 97% ain't that bad after all...)
-- Cyrille
*** PO/core/gettext translation report: ***
(Absence of a language code means 0% translation for that language)
(Help for translations (and/or much more) is of course welcome !)
(A star after a language's statistics means that the translation file isn't
up to date with the POT (original messages) file)
(Please note that 100% doesn't mean that the work is complete: have you
checked the sheet translations for your language too ?)
az: 96%(1198/1236) it: 73%(911/1236) sl: 97%(1204/1236)
ca: 75%(932/1236) ja: 76%(944/1236) sv: 99%(1232/1236)
da: 95%(1184/1236) ko: 51%(631/1236) tr: 86%(1075/1236)
de: 83%(1030/1236) nl: 80%(994/1236) uk: 72%(897/1236)
el: 64%(797/1236) nn: 85%(1056/1236) vi: 75%(928/1236)
en_GB: 1%(21/1236) no: 97%(1199/1236) zh_CN: 61%(764/1236)
es: 97%(1202/1236) pl: 92%(1148/1236) zh_TW: 75%(930/1236)
fi: 74%(918/1236) pt_BR: 94%(1169/1236)
fr: 97%(1202/1236) pt:100%(1236/1236)
ga: 17%(219/1236) ru: 79%(978/1236)
hu: 68%(851/1236) sk: 95%(1182/1236)