At 20:33 20.05.02 +0200, Cyrille Chepelov wrote:
>Le Fri, May 17, 2002, à 03:59:23PM +0200, Mattam a écrit:
>> > * how does it behave when the XSLT processor isn't here? (we need to
>> >have dia not depend on the xslt processor, just suggest it). Ideally, we
>> >gray out the option; at the minimum, we should display an error dialog
>> Use dlopen. But I don't know how to avoid compiling it (using #ifdef's ?)
>Oh, if you use dlopen, then it's fine: the ELF loader will not complain
>loading your plug-in even if the xlst lib is not here. Then, you only have
>to fail gracefully if dlopen returns an error.
do you mean the dlopen known as LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress on win32 :-)
If the code is prepared to do truly dynamic (=runtime) linking
with ELF binaries it should be simple to make it cross-platform
with the gmodule api, i.e. g_module_open/g_module_symbol.
Though on win32 if a plug-in is linked against a non existing
library Dia (or better gmodule) simply refuses to load it.
That is: there already is code to handle the error gracefully.
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert