At 01:49 16.06.02 -0230, Neil Zanella wrote:
>There seem to be several minor interface inconsistencies in dia.
>For instance, with flowchart diagrams one can type text directly
>into the geometrical objects. On the other hand, with ER diagram
>one must double click on the shape to set its text. This kind of
>inconsistency could easily be resolved by offering both options
>in both situations. Personally, I prefer the flowchart approach
>although it is important that the user be able to set other
>options when ER modelling.
Patches accepted. (The problem here isn't the lack of knoledge
how to improve it, but finding someone to write the code ;-)
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert