Le lun, aoû 13, 2001, à 02:49:35 +1000, David Vu a écrit:
> I am a new dia 0.88 WIN32 user and found that the export operation clips
> non-BACKGROUND layers, if these layers are larger than the BACKGROUND
> layer. That is, if say a visible non-BACKGROUND layer has an object
> that lies outside the bottom border of the BACKGROUND layer, that object
> would be clipped, when I try to export the entire diagram to a .PNG
> file.
I can't reproduce this (under Linux, but I highly doubt this makes a
difference). Not under 0.88.1, not under the CVS Head. However, this might
be thinly related to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55498,
perhaps http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58882 ?
I need a break from super-heavy StdProp code ; I think I'm going to play a
bit with #55498, this might help (and this'll test a little the changed code
in the DXF import...) In the mean time, it would be extremely helpful if
1) reported the bug in the Bugzilla database at
http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ (assign it to me if you are given the opportunity
2) attached a sample file (hoping you can, IP-wise) to that bug, so
that we could attempt to reproduce it.
-- Cyrille