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Basic Listings
Premium Listings
Super Premium Listings
BULK Listings Available at a Reduced Rate - email us for details and a rate sheet.
What are you paying for with a listing in the KingBloom Directory? Quite simply, you are paying for our revision time.
We have costs associated with hosting and reviewing web sites that are submitted for inclusion in our directory.
As such we only ask a modest fee for that time spent on reviewing your site for inclusion in our directory.
You are paying for our time and your listing, not a link.
Money Back Guarantee
All Premium PAID listings will be approved in 48 hours*
or less Guaranteed,
or your listing is FREE!!! Some restrictions may apply, please ask for details.
Text Links in our "Approval eMails" only $10/mo. (Normally $35)Every submission that includes an email address gets an approval notice once their site is approved. Included in that approval email you can have a text link for your company or service listed at the bottom of the email. Only 2 spots are available each month so space is limited and at a premium. Please contact us to get your text link listed today!
To purchase ad space email us:
Advertising opportunities available in the KingBloom Directory consists of site wide half banners, squares, leaderboards and skyscrapers. Advertiser rotation is limited to ensure that your ad gets the most exposure it can. Pricing is monthly via Paypal subscription. Pricing and current availability listed below: |
300 x 250 Square Banner - Site Wide Categories |
The 300 x 250 header square banner is a great way to ge a larger exposure for your product or service. Your banner will appear on every category listing page of the site. Its large size really stands out amongst the our directory categories. We have no more than 4 banners in the rotation at any time. Banner Details: Availability: Maximum 3 (2 Available) Pages: Sitewide Monthly Price: $79.00 Order: |
728 x 15 Leaderboards - Site Wide Footer Banner |
The 728 x 15 Leaderboards footer banner offers great exposure for your product or service. Your banner will appear on every page of the site. The large leaderboards banner appears at the end of every set of no more than 10 search results. We have no more than 2 banners in the rotation at any time. Banner Details: Availability: Maximum 3 (1 Available) Pages: Sitewide Monthly Price: $59.00 Order: |
120 x 60 Skyscraper - Site Wide Listing Results Banner |
The 120 x 60 Skyscraper banner offers some of the best and largest exposure of our banners. Your banner will appear on every page of the site where listing results show. Your banner appears to the right of the listings and is the same size as the listing results ensuring great exposure during page scroll. We have no more than 4 banners in the rotation at any time. Banner Details: Availability: Maximum 3 (1 available) Pages: Sitewide Monthly Price: $159.00 Order: |
Static Banner Pricing Available as well - Offers Premium Placement on the front page for the KingBloom Directory - Price Varies, please contact us for full details and availability. |
KingBloom Search Engine and Web Directory is comprised of 13519 PAID sites in 5010 categories . Our directory is updated Several times daily, and is edited by human beings insuring that only the most relevant links and web sites appear in your searches. We are well indexed by all major search engines. Our current backlink saturation averages over 75,000. Our current Search Engine Saturation averages over 150,000. As a "Paid" directory, we feel we offer the best value to both those listing sites, as well as end users. We strive to keep our directory devoid of outdated and or dead listings. KingBloom is one of the freshest most up to date independent web directories on the net today!
Search Engine Saturation
Engine Current Min Max Avg Alltheweb 3,000 13 3,000 1,593 AltaVista 3,050 13 3,050 1,612 Google/ AOL 29,900 27 78,100 23,100 HotBot 5,410 12 5,420 938 MSN 537 13 1,055 391 Yahoo! 44,498 13 84,000 16,625 Total/ Current 66,335 81 117,041 44,859
Back Link Saturation
Engine Current Min Max Avg Alltheweb 2,010 588 2,090 1,549 AltaVista 3,520 587 3,620 1,558 Google/ AOL 2,109 26 2,109 299 HotBot 1,170 26 1,170 341 MSN 5,819 722 6,223 2,213 Yahoo! 14,900 586 59,900 13,401 Total/ Current 24,886 2,844 86,399 16,309
(last poll May 25, 2016)
*Source from Alexa (May 2016)
*Source from Quantcast (May 2016)
Daily and Monthly Activity Reports
Dead or outdated listings are removed automatically by our editors. We do realize however that in some cases it may be necessary to have your listing removed by our editors manually, at your request. In these cases there is a flat $15 removal fee. To have a listing removed please submit your link removal request by making a Paypal Payment of $15 to with the subject: "LISTING REMOVAL REQUEST" and include your web site URL in the body of that request and or comment field.
If you prefer to leave your listing in the KingBloom Directory but would like the NOFOLLOW attribute added to your listing please submit your URL by making a Paypal Payment of $5 to with the subject: "LISTING NOFOLLOW REQUEST". Be sure to include your web site URL in the body of that request and or comment field.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, we welcome them. Feel free to contact us.
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13519 sites indexed in 5010 categories and 53 pending submissions
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