1-800-FLORALS Flowers
Online florist specializing in same day and next day flower delivery in USA and Canada. Other services include free virtual flowers, internaitonal flowers by wire, and a glossary of flowers. http://www.800florals.com/
Same Day Flowers
Teleflora Florists can dispatch same day flowers if orders are received by 2pm AEST. Order flowers online now through our florist network. http://www.teleflora.com.au
1 - 800 - Balloons
Full selection of flowers, balloons, gifts, graduation presents delivered to your door.
A J Guttridge Flowers
South Wales Florist offers the best quality floral products, award-winning design and value for money. Order online, by phone or visit one of the shops.
Features a large selection of realistic silk flowers, plants, trees, palms, topiary and artificial cactus with decorating tips and potting instructions.
Chesapeake Florist
Order funeral flowers online from Norfolk Florist, a leading online and brick and mortar florist. Visit our online store and check out all of our funeral flower specials.