Re: Coding project. --Volunteers needed! Everyone participating will help make this reality.

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Criptyk Hayz (
Thu, 24 Sep 1998 11:56:02 -0000

> A person to organize the people who do some coding is *really*
> important. It's also *really* frustrating. Sometimes people don't do
> what they say they will, sometimes people lie to you, sometimes they play

> politics. If you can let all that shit slide off your back with a shrug
> because you have a goal in mind, you can head up any project.

I'll gladly volunteer to organize it for a chance to beta test and a copy
of the final product. and like the subject says, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!

> I've got a small chapter in a book that should hit the streets in a
> couple of weeks. The original idea for the chapter came from what I call

> "stoner security", a program so simple that even a stoned hippy could use

> it. The history of why I want such a program is long and colorful, but
> I'll leave that for another time and place.

I'm thinking we need a collection of code that everyone contributes to,
and I can distribute to anyone who wants it.. I'll start a mailing list of
people to send updated code to... we can have certain people working
on certain aspects.. I can put up a webpage for it if it's
wont be until it's near completion I'd imagine). If you send me what you
now, I can start collecting source for the program..

Anyone who would like to contribute, please send code along with your
ideas... thoughts and theorys are fine if they are followed by action and
CODE! :-)

PLEASE let me know if you can contribute in the slightest..
whether you have some fast factorization code for testing primes,
a tcpip protocol, nice looking chat source with no encryption, anything
and everything will help!

> The book is full of code. But there is more to a useful program than
> crypto, there is the user interface. I know math and assembler, I'm
> learning NT drivers, but I know nothing (and would like to stay that
> way!) about GUI and user I/O. Plus such a program has to run on lots of
> different platforms, so the core of it has to have hooks to any OS. That

> means lots of people who have direct knowledge have to help.

This coding effort will be a little different than messages around here in
past, rather than debating on which algorithm is fastest and most secure,
everyone who contributes usable code will be looked at, and only those
who contribute code will be considered for addition to the software.
Like I said, theory is great, but unless it goes into practice, it's
If we end up with three factoring algorithms or 5 encryption routines,
everyone will get a chance to choose which is best, and add their own
cryptanalysis. But please, nobody say "Blowfish is better" or "Tripple-
DES with a 1024 bit key would be best in this situation" without providing
some sort of code.

Don't worry about what language it's provided in.. at first, any language
do.. Hopefully, someone will volunteer to translate it into one language,
compile it into usable objects/modules in any langauge. The final language
used will depend upon available compilers, and what the majority of the
is written in... I can foresee this being (Visual?)C/C++ easily.. but who

> I'd really like to see "stoner security" come to life. check out the
> last chapter in Implementing Elliptic Curve Cryptography and you'll see
> what I have in mind. Change it any way you like. Not only do I agree
> with you, I've put it in writing :-) If you have thick skin, or are
> willing to grow some, go ahead and head up a project. I can help some,
> but I know my limits, and I know I can't do whole project.

I don't think anyone is willing to do a whole project... but anyone here
afford some time to take a look at what code they have, and provide it,
a little of their own, or improve what someone else has already provided.

I would like input as to whether I should post all code provided to, along with updates, (This could get lengthy if
helps like they should--hint, hint), otherwise I will moderate and forward
code to all the volunteers myself, and will post major updates and
requests for specific help to the list..

> Patience, persistence, truth,
I'll be needing a healthy dose of that...

In closing I think this is something that all of us would like to see.
Screw the
government, I have nothing against them, but they have no place in my
and sharing in my communications. I'm sure we all agree with that.
of this project--if done well--could be as popular as ICQ, being the first
usable and
SECURE communication program widely used. If you're looking to be famous,
could be your ticket.

I'm sure this will come up later, so I'll address it now.. How secure do we
want it
to be? Well, My opinion is "Secure enough to keep the NSA out, or at least
them go through a few bottles of advil.".. But once again, any implemented
is better than unused perfect security.. it can always be improved later.

        Thanks to all the volunteers ahead of time.. I'm sure we can make this
        work if we all pitch in a little bit!

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