Enzo Michelangeli (em@who.net)
Thu, 30 Jul 1998 20:05:47 +0800
-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Gutmann <pgut001@cs.auckland.ac.nz>
Date: Thursday, July 30, 1998 9:05 AM
>I've just been informed of another example of a very questionable RNG.
Have a
>look at https://spk-ihb.izb-hb.de/SPK_Forchheim/index.html, the first thing
>you'll be asked to do is move your mouse a bit to generate a 128-bit
>key for use in Internet banking. Apparently moving your mouse in a 10cm
>straight line is enough to generate 128 bits of entropy. Java types may
>to look at this in a bit more detail.
Here we go.
Basically, they use as a seed an array of 100 long integers (64-bit, as it
is in Java) organized as a sequence of 25 quadruples. Each quadruple is set
by the handling of a "mouse move" event:
- the first element is loaded with the time of the event
- the second with the x coordinate
- the third with the the difference between the time of the event and the
time of the previous one
- the fourth with the y coordinate
The "StatusIndikator" is just the index in the array after each event, wich
explains why it's always multiple of four :-) Here's the code (part of the
izb.ib200.Init class):
public boolean mouseMove(Event event, int i1, int j)
if (event == null || alClSeedStartBuffer == null)
return true;
if (iClMouseMoveCounter < 25)
int k = iClMouseMoveCounter * 4;
alClSeedStartBuffer[k] = event.when;
alClSeedStartBuffer[k + 1] = event.x;
alClSeedStartBuffer[k + 2] = event.when - lClLastEventWhen;
alClSeedStartBuffer[k + 3] = event.y;
lClLastEventWhen = event.when;
int i2 = Math.min(k, 99);
statusbar.setStatus((double)i2 / 100.0);
else if (iClMouseMoveCounter == 25)
showMessage("Anwendung wird gestartet...");
else if (iClMouseMoveCounter == 26)
HomebankingPage.strClCurrentPage = "";
return true;
So, just for fun I inserted code to dump the 25 quadruple. A typical run
901797390500 576 901797390500 313
901797392090 575 1590 313
901797392150 574 60 313
901797392200 572 50 311
901797392200 564 0 310
901797392260 562 60 309
901797392310 560 50 307
901797392370 558 60 306
901797392370 557 0 305
901797392420 555 50 304
901797392420 554 0 303
901797392420 548 0 302
901797392480 547 60 301
901797392480 541 0 300
901797392530 535 50 298
901797392530 527 0 296
901797392590 521 60 295
901797392640 519 50 294
901797392700 505 60 286
901797392700 497 0 285
901797392810 496 110 284
901797392810 488 0 278
901797392860 482 50 276
901797392860 480 0 274
901797392920 480 60 273
The applet was run with AppletViewer of SDK 1.1.5 under Windows 98. Note
that the time is incremented in 40, 50 or 60 msec blocks: this appears to be
due to the implementation of System.currentTimeMillis(), or, better, of the
underlying Win32 implementation in Win95/98 (I've been told that in NT it's
For the cryptographic stuff, they seem to use classes part of a package
called xpresso131 (I couldn't find any reference on the web).
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