Eric Murray (
Thu, 25 Jun 1998 12:52:49 -0700 (PDT)
Perry E. Metzger writes:
> No general page (it would be GREAT if someone had a general page on
> hardware RNG equipment), but the reference
> will at least amuse you. is a
decent hardware RNG reference.
A question: what would it be worth to have a cryptographic-quality
hardware RNG available on consumer PC equipment? I.e. how many
retail dollars do you think that the typical consumer would spend
for it? This question is more a business question than a technical
one (excepting the fact that its people paying money that drives
most techologies) so perhaps replies should be sent to me instead of the list.
-- Eric Murray Chief Security Scientist N*Able Technologies (email: ericm at or PGP keyid:E03F65E5
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