To: "Greg Orlowski" <greg orlowski gmail com>, "discussions about usage and development of dia" <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: quick question about RDBMS schema
Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 23:57:57 +0100 (CET)
Greg Orlowski sagde:
> Hi folks,
> I'm sure this has probably been asked on the list a dozen times, but I
> haven't been able to find info on it w/google so I'm asking (I just
> joined the list).
> I want to use dia to create rdbms schemas (table entity-relationship
> diagrams). Is there currently development to add appropriate
> shapes/types to do this w/dia? Do people currently just use UML class
> boxes to map this stuff out?
There's been some attempts at DB objects, but none that actually got
completed. I believe everybody just use UML, which is kind of a kludge.
> If this isn't currently being developed, I might try to look @ the
> docs for making new shapes to add the functionality, but I imagine
> it's more complicated than just adding simple shapes because one would
> want text with the table names, PK's, FK's, similarly to the way it's
> set for UML class diagrams.
The UML objects are the most complex objects by a longshot. Don't expect
to be able to do everything in RDBMS with shapes.
> thanks for any info you can give me. A referral to specific
> documentation would be great if the documentation exists.
There's some on the Dia Twiki and on the Dia docs page
Good luck!