To: solworth cs uic edu, discussions about usage and development of dia <dia-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: Animations
Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 16:56:27 +0200
Le Mon, May 17, 2004, Ã 09:13:24AM -0500, Jon A. Solworth a écrit:
> Certainly if that works for PNG, it should work for any
> of the output filters.
"hopefully". If you can get the same procedure to work on another
exporter, such as SVG, I'd be closer to be willing to say "certainly".
> But one of the reasons for using dia is the economy of actions in
> accomplishing some task. Basically, I'd like a command line option
> that will perform the iteration you suggest above so that I can write
> something like:
> dia $1.dia --nosplash --export-to-format=fig -animate
> and it will produce $1-1.fig, $1-2.fig, ..., $1-n.fig .
> Is there anything like this? Does anyone want to implement it? What
> is the best way of specifying/implementing this?
To the best of my knowledge, there is nothing like this right now.
If you can have pydia up & running, and if pydia is able to manipulate
layers, I guess you can whack something together that way.
Otherwise, the way I would implement it (note the "would", I don't have
the time to do it now, even if bri^Whired for that) would be a pair of flags:
--force-layers-off layer1,layer2,layer3,layer4,layer5,layer6
--force-layers-on layer4,layer5
would leave you layer4 and 5 on, the rest off.
this way you can quickly select what you actually want off and on in a
quick shell script, without the need for dia to define what "animate"
really means (sometimes you'll want a specific layer to be always on,
etc. plus it's not very nice to impose layer names upon the user).
Should be a fairly easy beginner's job.
-- Cyrille