Le Sun, Mar 21, 2004, Ã 02:03:38PM -0800, David Harmon a écrit:
> I've downloaded the source code, and found the code I
> need (under objects/UML). Does this go into a dll? I
> guess my answer is in the "objects" directory
> Makefile. What all code do I need to "hook" in my
> object? the UML directory has a good bit of code, but
> all I really need from it is implements.c, but I
> assume there is some sort of plug-in entry point, is
> this in uml.c?
> I know these are a lot of questions, but as you can
> see, I'm somewhat lost as to where to begin?
uml.c and objects/UML/Makefile.am (plus objects/Makefile.am)
(assuming you are developing under *nix)
There's the dia twiki at faemalia.org, with some level of technical details.
-- Cyrille