I have read through the mailing list archives and I can't find an answer
to this problem.
I made a very simple diagram and exported as .tex , the generated file is
sil2.tex (see below).
Then I made sil.tex as follows:
when I LaTeX this file:
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \pst@tempa \pst@tempb \pst@tempc
l.38 }
is returned.
I do not know how to debug this. The diagram is very simple (a bezeierline).
Since psfrag does not seem to do the job of adding equations/greek letters
etc. I thought I can use this but that does not work either.
Below is the generated .tex file from export.
% PSTricks TeX macro
% Title: /home/matlabuser/sil.dia
% Creator: Dia v0.92
% CreationDate: Fri Mar 19 21:40:26 2004
% For: matlabuser
% \usepackage{pstricks}
% The following commands are not supported in PSTricks at present
% We define them conditionally, so when they are implemented,
% this pstricks file will use them.
% This way define your own fonts mapping (for example with ifthen)
\scalebox{1.000000 -1.000000}{
\newrgbcolor{dialinecolor}{0.000000 0.000000 0.000000}
\newrgbcolor{diafillcolor}{1.000000 1.000000 1.000000}
\newrgbcolor{dialinecolor}{0.000000 0.000000 0.000000}