Le Mon, Mar 08, 2004, Ã 10:03:38AM +0100, Kilian Chablais a écrit:
> Hello everybody Everybody hello !
> I'm using the grafcet editor of Dia v0.91.
> I just want to know if it's possible to split the description (receptivity
> part) of a transition in two or several lines ?
Right now, no. However, it shouldn't be too hard to do the following:
1. change the edit widget for the receptivity property to a
multiline edit)
2. add a newline token to the receptivity parser
3. do the right thing at rendition time (one thing to watch in
particular is if a newline happens in the middle of a negated block, such
what's the code supposed to do? I'd be inclined to make it reject the whole
equation, but it's not very nice, and I can see cases where you'd actually
want it to split the negated blocks).
> It will be useful to have more transitions next to next.
indeed. If you have the time and inclination to do the modification I
outlined above, we'd gladly accept a patch. At the minimum, it would be
great if you could record this discussion as a wishlist bug in the Bugzilla.
-- Cyrille