I just tried the latest (anonymous) CVS and tried to export
a protocol diagram into fig format.
I'm still having trouble with the arrowed lines not showing,
and xfig gives the error messages:
File needhamSchroeder2.fig:
Incomplete line object at line 41.
Incomplete line object at line 46.
Error in parsing text string on line.
Incomplete line object at line 74.
Incomplete line object at line 82.
Incomplete line object at line 87.
Incomplete line object at line 104.
Incomplete line object at line 109.
Error in parsing text string on line.
I am attaching attaching both the dia file and the fig file.
Also, I the text quoting issue is as at was. That is, none
of the text is marked in xfig as "special" and hence is included
in the graphic rather than textual part of the export. Of course,
if there was a way to make fig2dev or xfig automatically relabel
these that would be great. Another oddity is that the text boxes
are part of compound objects rather than being on their own.
Jon A. Solworth
Computer Science Dept. (M/C 152) url:
University of Illinois at Chicago telephone: (312) 996-0955
851 S. Morgan Rm 1120 SEO FAX: (312) 413-0024
Chicago, IL 60607-7053