At 19:06 17.02.04 +0100, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
>does anybody object that I remove the menu construction using
>GNOMEUIINFO that is used in GNOME build ? With Gtk2 it seldom bring
>anything but hassle to maintain it along with the GtkItemFactory, and
>GtkAction will supersede both in Gtk 2.4.
>If nobody minds, I'll just wipe this off.
Not using the Dia --with-gnome build, neither compiling for GNOME, nor
on win32 I'm not objecting at all ;-)
Last time building --with-gnome it looked like the above isn't the
only issue with --with-gnome, but everyone we can get rid off (without
loosing appropriate platform integration) looks like a step in the
right direction to me ...
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert