Lars Clausen wrote:
>>I found some very usable extension for tool designed to draw diagrams. I
>>mean objects connected with not a real auto-route connector, but simple
>>straight, or maybe a curve connector. I also meant of something like
>>attaching this connector not only at borders, but also at the centre of
>>the object. I draw UML diagrams very often, and such request would be
>>very nice to make diagrams more readable. What do you think?
>If I'm reading your suggestion correctly, it's something like what I
>propose at the Dia TWiki for 1.0 (can't give you an exact pointer right
>now, as it seems to be down). Basically, the user should be able to
>drag a line onto an object, and it should end at the edge of the object
>but pointing at the center.
Correct. Furthermore the connector could route as a stright line, a
curve (not only a line broken into sectors), etc. It would allow the
deisgner to draw connectors as he wishes, and would let having more
control on objects not manipulating connectors in order to have
readability. And to the connection points - it is sometimes very
difficult to attach connectors to another points of an object, when
moving them. I think there should be an option to attach the connector
at the centre of the object, and then when moving the object the
connector would arrange to be e.g. the shortest connector beetwen some
objects or something like this. I tried to connect two objects one above
the second, and drawn a connector using attach points bottom for the
first object, and top for the second object. I found it difficult to
swap them or simply move one of them still having as much readability of
the diagram as if it would have been when this feature was present. This
central attach point should be default whenever you drag a connector
over an object (this is for example available in OOo Drawing).