Let me also add what I've tried. You can see my buildlogs at:
The FAQ says I'm running dia but I didn't install it properly, the log
will show you otherwise. The FAQ also says to look into run_dia.sh, but
the script is not shipped with dia 0.92. So I found it in older releases
and set the different variables as the script does:
[root@lisse SPECS]# export
[root@lisse SPECS]# export
[root@lisse SPECS]# export DIA_SHAPE_PATH="/usr/lib/dia/shapes/"
[root@lisse SPECS]# export
[root@lisse SPECS]# export DIA_SHEET_PATH="/usr/lib/dia/sheets/"
[root@lisse SPECS]# dia
warning: failed to load external entity "NULL"
Couldn't find standard objects when looking for object-libs,
But none of this actually works.
Thanks in advance,
-- dag wieers, dag@wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ --
[Any errors in spelling, tact or fact are transmission errors]