At 09:21 30.09.03 -0500, Ribeiro, Glauber wrote:
>i just noticed that the dashed lines in my dia diagrams are printing as
>solid lines! I'm using version 0.92-pre1, the Win32 installer version. Is
>this a Windows only problem? Is there a fix?
No, but a bug report. Found by
component : dia
description : dashed
As noted in the bug report there would be an easy fix for NT
based systems (but the wmf output would get more complicated
for other importers, too).
IMO the OS specific code should not be added to the wmf plug-in,
which is used for printing as well - as long as win9x based Dia
is not officially dead. [It'll proably die at the same day as
my small notebook :-]
-------- Hans "at" Breuer "dot" Org -----------
Tell me what you need, and I'll tell you how to
get along without it. -- Dilbert