Re: configure problem due to libpng dependency on zlib
From: Andrew Marlow <apm35 student open ac uk>
To: dia-list gnome org
Subject: Re: configure problem due to libpng dependency on zlib
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2003 13:43:22 +0100 writes:
>Le Tue, Jul 22, 2003, à 11:29:06AM +0100, Andrew Marlow a écrit:
>Yup, the linker on Solaris does not honour transitive dependencies. If
>libfoo is needed by libbar, then to link baz you can't get away with just
>providing -lbar like you can on Linux and *BSD.
>Hmmm... I can't do much right now; but basically you have to tell
>to also supply -lz when checking for libpng. Check the arguments for
I found that it thought png was not there.
I added the include dir for libpng to CPPFLAGS and that gets around
the problem. However, it gave a warning that there was no libart
and near the end of the build this is a fatal error, because
render_libart.c fails to compile. Don't you think this means
that a missing libart should be treated as fatal by configure?
Andrew Marlow
There is an emerald here the size of a plover's egg!