> Subject: Re: UML state diagrams
> From: "Alejandro Aguilar Sierra" <asierra@servidor.unam.mx>
> Which version of dia are you using? In 0.91-pre, there are 5 separated
> icons for state machines: initial/final, state, activity, branch and
> fork/union.
Hi Alejandro,
This is a good news indeed. You are right that I wasn looking at dia
0.90 - this is what made its way into vanilla RedHat. It's a bit pain
in the neck to look at current CVS, because of this nice spaghetti
affect when you start to upgrade packages (someone has just mentioned it
As this (the bleeding edge problem) seems to be an issue, perhaps
someone could try to set up a rudimentary how-to on what should be
upgraded and what are you about to loose in your system when you do the
upgrade? If someone who went through the process could put up together
several points and post it somewhere? I would be grateful. I volunteer
to drop in my experience once I get to tackling this.
Last but not the lest, someone recently written that UML2.0 was released
in January. This contradicts with my knowledge - the rumours I heard is
that it is not gonna make it this year probably. The OMG website has not
published anthing yet.