I am gradually producing a library of chemistry shapes for Dia. These include basic structures such as bonds (double, triple, single, double single dotted etc.), small numbers, basic greek characters, arene shapes, angled bonds for making shapes such as kekules benzene etc. The library almost halves the time that it takes me to produce chemical diagrams.
When it is finished is there any place specifically that I can place this library on the web or in the cvs tree etc so that it can be accessed by other people, or even perhaps integrated into the progams libraries as standard?
If anyone can think of things to put in this library then please contact me.
Message From : Robert Smith
E-mail : rsmith85@btinternet.com
Web : http://www.surf-u.co.uk
"Money couldn't buy friends but you got a better class of enemy."
- Spike Milligan : Puckoon (1963)