On Sun, 03 Mar 2002, John Hansen wrote:
> Dear Sir,
> In your displayed window http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/ of the
> main window. I see you have the option to display UML and ER same time.
> How do you configured it to do that.
That was an earlier version that had the sheets laid out horizontally.
However, once there were more than a few sheets, scrolling between them
became cumbersome, and we switched to the current format. Note that it
doesn't actually show UML and ER shapes at the same time.
> Is it also possible to make subwindows within the the shapes. If you for
> example select LOGIC, then you see two other sub windows TTL and CMOS
> |__TTL
> |
> |__CMOS
That's not currently possible, though you can split the lines like for
instance Circuit does, to group the shapes.
Lars Clausen (http://shasta.cs.uiuc.edu/~lrclause)| Hårdgrim of Numenor
"I do not agree with a word that you say, but I |----------------------------
will defend to the death your right to say it." | Where are we going, and
--Evelyn Beatrice Hall paraphrasing Voltaire | what's with the handbasket?