Le Mon, Jun 24, 2002, à 02:36:16PM +0100, Ian Redfern a écrit:
> I've converted the Cisco standard icon set to Dia shapes, so I can do my
> network diagrams in Dia. It contains most of Cisco's products, plus 82
> miscellaneous icons for datacoms and telecoms equipment, computers,
> people, buildings and the essential fluffy cloud.
this is _very_ impressive !
Of course, Lars beat me to the post for the inclusion -- don't forget to add
the .pngs with the "-kb" CVS flag, that'll keep Hans happy -- but it really
doesn't matter who does the commit. You did the conversion, and I would like
to thank you a lot for this contribution.
Once 0.91 is out, it may be worthwile to ping the Cisco webmasters, if
they'd like to put a link to dia...
-- Cyrille