Le Tue, Jun 18, 2002, à 03:05:05PM -0500, Lars Clausen a écrit:
> So this way we're sure that the bounding box does contain the text, but the
> text will occasionally look too short. It's an option, I guess. The
> alternative may be to render the font in a big enough size that it's
> linear, then scale it down by hand. Not a pretty solution, but a little
> caching can go a long way.
The problem is, how to scale down when we have to deal with Xft's subpixel
decimation (or WinXP's equivalent stuff) ?
One alternative to changing the font size might be to ask (gently) to Pango
if it can render with a slightly anisotropic scaling... maybe that's a
possibility! but I need to read again the API.
-- Cyrille