Has anyone thought about adding a "wysiwig TeX" capability to Dia?
What I have in mind is what Sketch does, via a Python plug-in. It works like
this. The gui allows you to enter a TeX/LaTeX expression in a window. Then the
plug-in calls dvips with appropriate options to make a small PS file. Then
pstoedit is called to translate the postscript to Sketch input format, which
Sketch understands, and so the formatted text is displayed as a Sketch object.
I wonder if something like this could be done for Dia too, as I much prefer
Dia's user interface over Sketch's. The whole scheme rests on transforming the
dvi into a form that the editor can read. A simpler possibility might be to
import the EPS into Dia. I know Dia has a Python plug-in, but I don't
understand at all its capabilities (for a user, anyway).
Kostas Oikonomou