Le Sun, Jun 02, 2002, à 01:11:36PM +0200, Jan Keirse a écrit:
> I did ./configure - make - su - make install
> I ran dia with dia and ./app/run_dia.sh, the last one gave this output:
> ./app/run_dia.sh: line 8: 26686 Segmentation fault $DEBUGGER
> /home/jan/dia-0.90/app/dia $*
OK. What platform, what distribution, what libraries?
I add another question: what locale ? Does the problem re-appears with
LC_ALL=C app/run_dia.sh ?
Can you run dia from the compile directory with the following line:
DEBUGGER=gdb app/run_dia.sh
(I assume you have gdb installed), and give us a stack trace ?
-- Cyrille