> > I commonly get "connection refused" errors from the Dia homepage.
> > Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
> >
> > Is this a known problem? I seem to regularly get this problem from
> > home/work and only with the Dia homepage.
> I saw it the other day as well. I'd really like to move away from
> lysator onto a system where we have more control, like, say, gnome.org?
> Must look into that.
The closest I can come to characterising it is it seems to want a referrer
URL or something. If I try to go directly to the site or from my project
site, it always (?) gives me connection refused errors, but if I go from
GNOME.org, it usually (?) gives me the content.
It's really flakey for me, anyway, using Galeon.
As for where it *CAN* be hosted, I guess I don't have any real ideas...
Sourceforge always seems to be a trusty fallback.
Tim Ellis
Senior Database Architect
Gamet, Inc.